Sex Crime Attorneys in Seattle, WA
Have you been accused of committing domestic violence or a sex crime? Come to the Schwartz Law Office, PLLC for a free case evaluation. Our sex crime attorneys in Seattle, WA, offer legal advice and defense in court if you choose to go to trial. No matter what your situation is, we counsel you on your rights and help you choose the path that best fits your needs. Sex crimes encompass a wide variety of criminal offences, including:
- Sexual Assault: Unwanted sexual touching.
- Rape: Sex where there is no consent, including date rape.
- Solicitation: Enticing someone else to commit a crime, such as prostitution.
- Indecent Exposure: The exposure of genitalia in public.
- Prostitution: Offering or engaging in sexual acts for payment.
- Statutory Rape: Sex with someone under the age of consent; a minor.
Why You Need a Sex Crime Lawyer
If you are charged with any of the above offences, you need to work with a sex crime lawyer in Seattle, WA to ensure your rights are protected. Our clients include prostitutes, pimps, those accused of statutory rape, as well as individuals charged with indecent exposure. In these cases, our sex crime attorney develops a defense strategy to help you move forward with your case.
If you earn a living from solicitation, you are considered a “pimp” or a “panderer” and can be charged with a sex crime. Pimping is defined by the law as seeking out customers to engage in sexual acts with a prostitute and collecting a fee for offering this service. Pandering, on the other hand, is the act of acquiring prostitutes through a variety of means, such as solicitation.
Hire Our Sexual Assault Lawyer
An allegation of rape or sexual assault is a serious matter, which is not to be taken lightly. If convicted, you could become a sex offender with your name and face added to state and federal registries. This affects your whole life, from the community you live in to the job you have. For example, sex offenders are not allowed to participate in Halloween activities and could be shunned from their own neighborhoods. This is especially true in cases that involve persons under the age of 17. Our Seattle sexual assault lawyer works to ensure your case is tried fairly. Therefore, we listen to you in order to discover the best defense strategy for your case. Depending on your situation, there are a number of defense options for you to choose from. The penalties vary depending on the crime and individuals involved.
Contact Attorney Michael Schwartz to discuss your case. We take cases from Seattle, Everett, Bellevue, Renton, Kent, and the surrounding areas in Washington.