What You Need to Do to Prepare to Meet with a Seattle Criminal Lawyer
By Michael Schwartz on May 29, 2020
Unfortunately, far too many Americans find themselves in the position where they need to hire a criminal lawyer. If you are one of those people, there are certain things you can do to prepare to meet with your lawyer. This includes: Present any legal documents that may pertain to the case; Come with a clear understanding of the incident you are involved in, including your version of events, length of time of the dispute in question and the date of the central conflict. Make sure you are clear on the…
Domestic Violence
By Michael Schwartz on May 22, 2020
It has become common place in these times for spouses, significant others and family members who are arguing with one another to call 911 to report a crime. On occasion, it is a neighbor who hears the shouting and arguing who, fearing something more serious is happening, calls 911. On far too many occasions, these calls are made and the police arrive even when no assault occurred. Police often arrest the alleged offender just on the statement of the person who called 911. Assuming it will all get sorted out…
Differences Between Juvenile Charges and Adult Charges in Washington
By Michael Schwartz on May 15, 2020
Juvenile and adult criminal charges vary in critical ways. Among those differences is the fact that juveniles cannot demand a jury decide their case. Instead, the case is heard and decided in a small room by a judge. This places even greater emphasis on the importance of a skilled criminal attorney in Seattle who understands the juvenile court system; how it functions and how criminal convictions may impact a child even into their adult lives. When your child has been charged with a crime, you need an assertive legal team…
Drug Possession Laws in Seattle
By Michael Schwartz on May 8, 2020
The drug possession laws in Seattle are always subject to change. You can never be sure of what kind of punishment you might face if you are arrested for and convicted of drug possession in this city. Rather than take your chances alone in court, you need an experienced attorney who is familiar with the laws to present your defense before the judge and jury. You can get the legal help that you need by hiring the Schwartz Law Office, PLLC today. Dismissing or Arguing Down the Charges Mr. Schwartz…